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Me 16 dhjetor 2017 u zhvillua kongresi i dyte i notereve te Shqiperise Ne kongres nderuan me pjesemarrjen e tyre dhe Presidenti i Republikes, shkelqesia e tij z. Ilir Meta, Nenkryetarja e parlamentit znj. Vasilika HYSI , presidenti i Unionit Nderkomnbetar te Notereve z. Marqueno de Llano , zv/presidentja e ketij Unioni znj. Sigrun Feller, personalitete te drejtesise si dhe 17 delegacione te huaja .

Tema e kongresit ishte Dixhitalizimi , prioritet per nje veprimtari moderne noteriale Fjalen e hapjes e mbajti presidentja e Dhomes Kombetare te Notereve znj. Mimoza SADUSHAJ , e cila beri nje permbledhje te punes dhe arritjeve the notariatit shqiptar , e fokusuar kjo dhe ne dixhitalizimin e veprimtarise noteriale duke filluar nga sistemi OSS per noteret e deri tek regjistrat elektronike dhe marreveshja me Agjencine e shoqerise se informacionit . Porosi e keshilla te vlefshme dhane ne kongres dhe presidenti i Republikes, nenkryetarja e Parlamentit dhe presidenti i Unionit Nderkombetar te Noterve . Ne kongres u mbajten tema per sigurine ne transaksionet ekonomike, sfidat europiane te dixhitalizimit si dhe per domosdoshdoshmerine e rolit te noterit

Kongresi .u mbyll me mbremjen festive ku asistoi dhe ministrja e Drejtesise znj. Etilda Gjonaj , e cila pershendeti te gjithe noteret dhe dha porosi te rendesishme

Zhvillimi me sukses I kongresit pati jehonen e tij dhe ne unionin nderkombetar te notereve , I cili ne faqen e tij ne web shkruan si vijon:

On December 16, 2017, the Albanian National Chamber of Notaries held its annual Congress.

The President of the National Chamber of Notaries, Mimoza Sadushaj, opened the day together with the President of the International Union of Notaries, Jose Marqueño de Llano, in presence notably of the President of the High Court Mr. Xhezair Zaganjori.

The Congress first work theme was dealing with the “Role and Responsibility of the Notary in Economic Transactions”.

The second discussion was about “The necessity of the notaries in the Economic and Social Life of the Country”.

All topics exposed during the Congress were of high interest for nowadays notaries: prevention of money laundering, mediation, digitalization.

In 2016, the Albanian notaries dealt with over 1.675.000 notarial documents, 27.000 real estate transactions.

UINL President, José Marqueño de Llano, during its opening speech, highlighted the crucial necessity for notaries to get actively involved in the fight against money laundering, in collaboration with their governments and institutions, as notaries have a public function to serve and be a key associate in that matter.

Post Author: DHKN

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